Symbolic dreams require an interpretation because they contain symbols and other nonliteral elements which are not plainly understood. A message dream is an oracle. Message dreams typically do not require interpretation, and they often involve direct instructions or warnings. If God speaks to us through a dream, he will always make his meaning clear, just as he did for people in the Bible.

Covid Authority Bureau

The dream begins with me in a doctor's office at the local clinic here in my hometown. I was sitting on an

Covid Authority Bureau2022-02-17T12:30:37-05:00

In Need of Nothing

Revelation 3:17 Because you say, “I am rich and have acquired great wealth and need nothing,” but do not realize that

In Need of Nothing2022-02-15T11:08:06-05:00

The Mudroom

Dream... I saw a landscape of ice and snow and there was a fog over the ground that was so thick

The Mudroom2022-02-03T14:47:17-05:00

Get Out While You Can

Dream... I was standing in front of a hospital. There were severe storms all around me. I saw lots of people rushing

Get Out While You Can2022-02-02T13:49:14-05:00

Mountains and Dragons

I am going to share a dream from a friend and as I do, I’ll include my interpretation of the dreams deeper

Mountains and Dragons2022-02-01T21:51:15-05:00

Redeem Our Dreams

I just woke up from a dream the Lord gave me so I thought I would write in down while it was

Redeem Our Dreams2022-01-12T05:33:09-05:00

Maze Runner

Dream... I saw a globe that was sitting on a stand, and it was perfectly still and motionless. As I watched intently,

Maze Runner2022-02-14T10:51:21-05:00

Stack of Stuff

Not sure what to do with all that has witnessed in my spirit of late so I will just put it

Stack of Stuff2022-01-04T07:20:15-05:00

The Shaking

I saw a bright sunlit sky, no clouds. I saw the man that I see often in my dreams walking down the

The Shaking2022-01-14T10:32:02-05:00

Liberty has Fallen

It is Tuesday, September 8th. Last night on Monday the 7th of September I had a dream, that’s probably troubled me more

Liberty has Fallen2021-12-29T11:58:32-05:00
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