It is Tuesday, September 8th. Last night on Monday the 7th of September I had a dream, that’s probably troubled me more than any of the dreams that I’ve had. I’m an American. I love this country; I’ve traveled to 43 countries and we have a heritage. We have a country that’s stood as a beacon of hope and light, even financial support for other nations.

This one got me last night.

I saw the Statue of Liberty proudly standing in the harbor outside of New York, lighting the nations and freedom. I saw the sky suddenly darken, strong waves began to crash against the shore with a very fierce intensity. It was almost hurricane tsunami like force, tropical storm type force and there were boats and they had men in them and they were out in the storm trying to breach the island on which she stood.

They were fighting the waves as well, but they were actually kind of working with the waves as they were trying to get to the lady, but the storm was so severe that they could not, even though the storm and them seemed to be working together so to speak.

I saw the torch in her hand. It was flashing, being struck by lightning, pieces of rock and debris were being thrown off with brute force yet she carried her torch, she was an immovable statue. I saw her watching and looking around about her to kind of see where the attacks were coming from. So she knew they were there, but she would not move.

Her feet were stuck on that pedestal.

The rocks and the debris that were being thrown at her had caused some gashes and had caused some cuts on her neck, round about her heart. I could see there was blood coming out like she, not necessarily had been shot, but something like the debris and the rocks had either pierced her or had left a jagged edge mark and cut something.

I saw three of the spines on I think the crown on her head. I don’t think necessarily it’s a crown, but it has some spines that were pointing out. Three of those spines that surrounded her head had been broken off and left a very jagged edge.

Her right torch hand kept dropping to secure the tablet with the Declaration of Independence. July Fourth of that year had been pinned on the tablet. She would drop her hand to attempt to keep the book in its place.

She was struggling to keep her footing almost slipping off the pedestal, but she wouldn’t move. There was this huge volley of trash, debris and junk that hit her directly in the face and she stepped back off the pedestal and she fell because the force of this hit her right in the face. She still held on to the torch. She still held on to the Declaration tablet but that light, that torch just kept flickering like a light about to go out.

The declaration that was in her left-hand, the left arm had began to crack and there were large chips and pieces falling off of it. I kept seeing Liberty trying to reach out with her hand as she held it attempting to hold the pieces together, but they wouldn’t stick.

She was crying. Liberty was crying. She was weeping. She was fighting to keep her dignity. She was trying to gather and contain the pieces of what had been broken. She had held on but it was obvious that the battle she was fighting was being lost. In spite of this, she was desperately trying to hold on with every ounce of her strength. You could see the fierceness in her face. She was still trying to fight and win but nothing seemed to change.

And then the boats appeared with the men, and they threw ropes around her arms and her legs and kept trying to bring her to the ground. As they pulled and pulled in tandem, finally she fell to her knees. It was almost like Gulliver’s Travels when the giant gets knocked over and all those holding the ropes were thrown about. Somehow she’s still got the light. She still managed to hold that torch in her hand. With her fists, her right hand, she was still trying to hold that book or what’s left of it in her left hand.

They were hammering away with like pry tools at the declaration tablet, trying to get the date of July 4th removed. They were trying to pry those numbers and those letters off. They were using cutting tools to remove the torch. They kept trying to just rip it and jerk it out of her hand, yet she just kept holding on and holding on and holding on. Because she fought them so hard, they finally just began to cut off her hand. They tied the other hand behind her back.

And the men began rolling her in ropes and she was yelling for help. She was crying out.

It wasn’t a desperate cry. It was a cry for those who were listening to come to her defense. It was a call to those nations that she had helped for so many years. Many heard but nobody would come.

They took a large banner of fabric. It was black and smoky gray and they covered her face with it. They just kept wrapping and wrapping almost like a mummy you would think. They just kept wrapping and wrapping and wrapping until you could barely see her eyes and the jagged tips of some of the spines of some of the crown.

They took an anchor chain and they wrapped it around her neck and they asked her if she had any last words. Her eyes weren’t fearful, they were feisty. They were fitful. There was this angry resolve in her face as she said nothing. The chain was tied to a boat, the boat began to drag her off of Liberty Island out into the harbor.

When they got out to the sea, the boat began to pull very quickly. Her arms were down to her side. Her legs were tied, and she was just kind of rolling and spinning. As the boat pulled Liberty faster and faster, it was almost like a ski boat as she bounced on the wake.

She kept twisting back and forth as she was being pulled by the boat and eventually lost all the strength that she had. The banner had come off her mouth, but she wasn’t saying anything. The boat slowed and those inside appeared to look back to see how she was. Then they reversed the boat and went backwards and ran over her. Images of her in the harbor are etched in my minds eye. At that moment she took a breath and she went under. She came back up a minute later and then she did the same thing again.

When she came up the next time the boat accelerated forward, hit her square on the face.

She went down. The boat began to circle the area after it hit her. She never came back up.

She never came back up, at least alive. She floated to the surface. Her back was visible. The torch hand was gone. The other arm remained tied behind her back. There was this thunderous clap of a brilliant lightning strike and the storm continued to rage all around the harbor.

I saw the men in that boat and someone was throwing them pieces of silver. Not in a bag but just loose pieces of silver were being thrown at the men. They began to pick them up and started fighting over them feverishly. As each picked them up they gripped them with their fists and held them up then put them in their pockets. They then sat down in the seats and drove away, almost like “Okay, our job here is done”.

This one got me.

The others dreams always get me but this one got me because this is America, land that I love. I know what The Statue of Liberty stands for.

I love our country and have traveled enough to know that we’ve got a lot of good here.

I know what most Americans think about this country, but I also know that a lot of people hate it and don’t even really know why they hate it. I’m talking about the protesters and the “Defund the Police” groups and any movement that wants to shred the Constitution.

And I may get a little political here and I don’t care. What I saw has impacted me last night. I lost a lot of sleep last night. I woke up about 2:15. I haven’t been able to get to sleep ever since. The dream keeps going through my mind. Believers we need to pray for our country. We know that we cant keep going on like this forever. I know that you know that we all know that. My hope, my prayer was that this nation would last long after me so that my kids and my grandkids would understand how much this country has done for people, for its people and for the nations and for those that come. But I ask you to pray for America. I ask you to pray for elected officials. Silver at the end of the dream tells me something. Some very wealthy people are paying to see her go down.

I do believe there’s a deep state. I do believe there’s a lot of chaos in our world, a lot of chaos in our country. I believe there are people in high elected office who want to see this country burn. I don’t. I want fire, but I want God’s fire of revival to hit.

I know what the dream means. I think you all know what the dream means. Our country, our freedoms are under attack, and we have responsibility to occupy until he comes with fire and glory. We are to seek his face, to pray, to trust and to stand.

So, pray for America.

Not because I had a dream. Because this used to be His country. It used to be the “One Nation Under God”. And now there’s a large group of people fighting the very God whose nation it used to be under.

This one got me.

It’s still getting me now. Pray for America. Pray for revival.

If nothing else, I want to see her go down fighting. I’ll go down fighting with her and for Liberty. Join me.