John Mearsheimer – Ukraine

Why is Ukraine the West’s Fault? Featuring John Mearsheimer. He saw very clearly back in 2015 exactly what would happen 1:48 min

Dr. Ryan Cole

Doctors testify before the Tennessee Health Subcommittee about the dangers of the vax for children who have already had Covid and the risk of a Hyperimmune response. Also they highlight the intentional exclusion of these groups from the drug company studies.

LA Firefighters, Vax Mandates

Members of the Los Angeles Fire Department discuss vax injuries they have witnessed on the job and their feelings about mandates. 2:19 min

Victor Davis Hanson, Russia

Victor Davis Hanson, Talks about Russia and American Policy

1:44 min

Dr. Kirk Milhoan

Dr. Kirk Milhoan, MD, a pediatric cardiologist in Hawaii, slammed COVID jab requirements for kids in states like California in an interview with mRNA vaccine pioneer Dr. Robert Malone.
1:49 min

Victor Davis Hanson

Victor Davis Hanson talks about the problem of the Unelected.

Victor Davis Hanson is the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow in Residence in Classics and Military History at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, a professor of Classics Emeritus at California State University, Fresno, and a nationally syndicated columnist for Tribune Media Services. He is also the Wayne & Marcia Buske Distinguished Fellow in History, Hillsdale College, where he teaches each fall semester courses in military history and classical culture. 2:47 min

Dr. Zelenko

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko talks about a range of medical subjects related to the new world order and how it will be implemented.
7:40 min

Dr. Larry Palevsky

Dr. Larry Palevsky speaks at a rally to the people of New York City about the many dangers of the jab.
2:19 min

Dr. Kirk Milhoan Pt 2

Dr. Kirk Milhoan “As we ramp this up to try to get everyone, like the mandate in California, to have a vaccine in order to go to school, then I think by what we see around the world, then the numbers of myocarditis cases will go up, and we may have an increase in sudden cardiac death associated with myocarditis just in kids playing on the field.” Feb 2022
1:43 min

Simone Kerseboom – European Digital Identity

“Lockdown and the green pass were a mere trial run, setting up a permanent digital infrastructure for a central digital identity.” 2:51 min

Dr. Ryan Cole

Dr. Ryan Cole “I am my brothers keeper” He successfully administers early treatment with “the drugs that shall not be named”
0:56 min