Not sure what to do with all that has witnessed in my spirit of late so I will just put it out there so that you may weigh it with discernment and act upon what resonates within your heart. I see a picture in the Spirit and a picture in the Natural.

I see the Church vs the World. I see warfare in heaven and on the earth. I see the Man-child and the man of sin. Many of Gods people are expecting a way of escape and have not put on their armor for the battle that is approaching. Many are distracted by the smokescreens of the natural realm and have taken their eyes off the Lord. Some are saying in their heart, I hear you Lord but I am going to wait and see.

Strangely it is these who are in the greatest danger as they see but in disobedience fail to rise up, prepare and enter in. The first casualties will be those without guidance or armor. The friendly fire of denominational division will do great harm. Your isolation is your weakness and unity is your strength in this hour.

In the middle of this scene, I see many crossing the lines. I see believers without any denominational divisions standing together as a spiritual house moving in the spirit as one against the enemy. I see saints on the frontlines some with hands raised in praise and some on their knees as waves of fear and oppression come against them. I see the weariness of the saints exhausted from the struggle, yet there are reinforcements as one would collapse another would take their place.

At strategic points there were watchman blowing trumpets to warn of the enemy approaching from an unexpected direction. The scene shifts to the natural. I saw war rooms in heaven and war rooms in the earth. War rooms in China and Russia were like bee hives of activity. The word preemptive strike is heard in hushed tones as a response to a perceived threat. I see fires in the United States. Simultaneously fires will begin to burn within the country. Fires of Revival and fires of opposition. Then the words “fire in the hole” echo as a warning of an imminent detonations in confined spaces are about to occur.

I believe these things are imminent but not inevitable. The Lord says the earth is mine and I am searching for sons to standup and stand together to enforce that victory. The Lord is calling a solemn assembly that can change world events by intervening in intercession. The Lord says Arise my Bride and prepare to pray. Arise my Bride and prepare for battle. Arise my Bride and prepare to see my face. Even as the enemy reveals himself to the world, I will reveal Myself to My Bride.