About Curtis

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So far Curtis has created 192 blog entries.

The Climb

The Climb 1 Corinthians 15:51 “Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all

The Climb2022-02-14T08:32:07-05:00

The Origin

The Origin of George Soros “My goal is to become the conscience of the world” —George Soros There is quite

The Origin2022-02-15T12:23:41-05:00

Lights Out

Dream… I saw the calendar and I saw a finger underline the month of December slowly. The finger moved slowly and very

Lights Out2022-02-07T13:30:29-05:00


The quality of a revolutionary is inversely proportional to the system he fights against –The more oppressive and cruel the system, the


The Mudroom

Dream... I saw a landscape of ice and snow and there was a fog over the ground that was so thick

The Mudroom2022-02-03T14:47:17-05:00

Get Out While You Can

Dream... I was standing in front of a hospital. There were severe storms all around me. I saw lots of people rushing

Get Out While You Can2022-02-02T13:49:14-05:00


MISMANAGING A PANDEMIC “My friend, have you ever been in a quarantined city? Then you cannot realize what you are asking



In August 1787, THOMAS JEFFERSON AUTHORED A LETTER TO his nephew Peter Carr, who had lived with Jefferson at Monticello. At


Red Handed

The world is undergoing great changes unseen in a century, but time and momentum are on our side. This is where our

Red Handed2022-01-30T15:51:52-05:00


It is the Love of God the Father that purposes all. It is the Grace of God the Son that provides all.

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