I saw only fences, You opened gates. I said I can’t, You said, I know. I drowned in my smallness, You overwhelmed me with Your bigness. When I couldn’t imagine a future, You whispered and sang Your song to me and drew me until I simply had to follow. I found myself standing before Your door. I heard knocking. The knocking seemed to be calling. Somewhere in the knocking, the calling and the waiting, I began to dream of a life beyond the door. As I waited before Your door, You stole my fears and filled my heart with new desires. I stopped crying about endings and began longing for new beginnings. Until, suddenly, the door opened, when I least expected and I tumbled into a space so wide, so vast, so blue, so You. Where there are no ceilings, no walls, not even a floor to restrain me. A spiritual landscape without limits. Endless plains of hope. Rivers of renewal. Everest’s of imagination. Summits still hidden in the clouds, begging to be climbed. I found myself surrounded here by runners, climbers and dreamers. Explorers who long to know You. Adventurers without maps, driven and guided from within. As I stood still in the moment, You smiled at my wonder. You delight as I begin my discovery of who You really are and who I really am. I gather myself and begin to run. I run to You and with You and climb and climb. For You are every summit. You are every peak. The possibilities are limitless and I have found the endless desire of my heart, in You.