There are times when you sense that there is more. More to see, more to hear and more to experience. There is a longing to know more completely what God has for you, but you don’t seem to be able to enter fully into the revelation He is giving, or participate in it totally. I want you to know you are not alone.

Right now, many people are in this place of transition because God is moving. He is beginning to pour out His Spirit in a greater measure. The world is about to be shaken by His sovereign intervention in the “Land of the Living”. The next wave of God’s presence will be a tsunami of glory that will displace the tyranny and evil of this hour.

To be part of what the Lord is about to do, our spiritual integrity will be tested like never before as the enemy seeks to find ground in our lives that he can legally operate in to hinder the Lords higher purpose for our lives. We will be given every opportunity to choose something less that Gods best.

The work that may have consumed us must be placed on the altar before we can be fully released into this new thing that God is doing. As you begin to move with God into this new land of promise it will reveal your character as a divine nature that has been deposited in your spirit and released in your soul to become your spiritual reality as you walk in union with the Lord.

It is a journey of revelation yet it is not enough to know it, you must become it. You must go through certain difficult challenges to be tested and proven as you near the place of promotion where you not only trust God but He trusts you. All that is true about who your really are in Christ is about to come into full view as God suddenly fills His body to overflowing with the life of His Son, Jesus. It will be a word with profound consequences for those in power around the world who chose to oppose God and oppress His people. A day of both visitation and tribulation.

Psalm 27:13 “I remain confident of this, I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living”