Song of Solomon 2:1

“I am the rose of Sharon”

As we enter a new year and look back, we see seasons of measure. As we look forward, we long for the fullness of His Kingdom to become our present reality. Love will compel us to speak truth in this new year.

If I find you in fear in the new year, I will tear down the house of lies that the enemy has built to hold you captive and wash you with love and fill your heart with the truth of what God actually thinks about you. If I encounter pride in your heart, I will resist you with the grace of my humility before God. If I find you with a spirit of heaviness, I will pour out a praise right in front of you to my King.

The Kingdom will be taken this year by the force of our will when it is actively joined to the prompting of the Holy Ghost! It won’t be neat. It may get a little messy but if you say what you need to say then the Kingdom will be extended one heart at a time as the works of the enemy are destroyed one lie at a time.

Strongholds in people’s lives won’t go easy, so it is with bold love that you will be directed by the Holy Spirit to use the Word as a scalpel in the hands of a skilled surgeon to reveal and remove the areas of infection and deception that won’t allow healing to take place.

The wisdom of God will be your portion this year as you minister one on one and shine the light of eternity into the darkness of this world. I trust the Lord in you in this new year to do a “New Thing” that will destroy old patterns of living and believing and create in you a heart that grows in grace and truth and knows Him intimately.

Ephesians 4:15 “But speaking the truth in love,
may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ”