Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together”
What if everything mattered. I am not talking about what you say or do for God. I am not speaking of forgiveness or salvation but of your reward, inheritance and of coming to maturity. What if every detail of your life became a teachable moment? What happens when God sees that you see the mystery of His unique and divine order for your life.
Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is quick, and powerful”
How quickly could you come to maturity if you saw your life through Gods eyes. The quickest way to advance is to meet God right where He has put you. Each circumstance and every detail could then be an entry point for revelation, instruction, correction and encouragement. The greater the difficulty you find yourself in right now, means that just around the corner is a huge revelation and a divine encounter.
Exodus 3:4 “When the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called to him”
God waited patiently and “watched” for 40 years for Moses to turn and look at a bush that I am sure he had walked by many times and when “the Lord saw” that He had turned He called out to Him! This is your word today. Look around, turn around and survey your surroundings. The Lord is watching for the moment you “turn” and Humble yourself and worship Him as the author of causing every detail to work together for His higher purpose for your life. Let the Lord speak to you as you embrace every situation as through His hands or by His permission. It is an act of worship that suspends reason and warrants a divine reaction from the Alpha and the Omega, who is the beginning, the middle and the end of everything. No matter what you find yourself in the middle of right now or how long you have been there, if you say Lord, I’m listening now, speak to me, teach me and guide me through all things in my life. You now have an ear to hear and the spirit will speak volumes of truth that will liberate you to run again the great race of faith.