Colossians 3:3 “For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God”
The New Covenant, of which we are partakers, is not between you and God, but between the Father and the Son. You are ‘in’ the Christ, which makes you a partaker of everything that is His. The possibilities for you are now endless because everything is ‘yes’ and ‘amen’ in Christ, in that place of abiding in the Father’s heart of love for you. Your journey, therefore, is that of bringing the knowledge of your position, into your experience. This is the job of the Holy Spirit in your life, He loves to make things real to you. When you have learned something, He will always back up that knowledge, with experience. The Father sees you through the lens of His total satisfaction with Jesus’ work on the cross. Jesus has done it all. You can do nothing that would make God love you more and you can do nothing that would make Him love you less. He has set His love upon you, it is fixed and immovable. Through testing and proving, He “works out” His righteousness in you, The eyes of your understanding are opened to this dimension of faith as His life becomes yours experientially and the inclination towards sinful behavior is displaced by His love and purity as your new nature in Christ is developed. This is the power of the cross at work, you are alive to God and therefore, dead to sin. Its your body but His life. Herein lies your joy.
Nehemiah 8:10 “. for the joy of the Lord is your strength”
A word for someone… “Don’t be a “Runaway Bride”. You desperately want to depart, but you must realize that your increase will come by staying where you are. Do not think of the famine in the land or disturb the saints with your earthly vision. Lift up your head that your eyes may behold a land of plenty and a land of promise, for the plenty shall indeed replace famine. For right where you are is right where I have placed you, and that is where you will flourish. I will be seen as a witness as I prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies. BE STILL! STAND STILL! And SEE! that which I have purposed shall be accomplished in you, for many shall drink from the fountain of Our union for I have chosen you”