I believe the single most important reason people do not receive physical healing is they have hurts and wounds from the past hidden deep in their souls that act as a barrier to the release of the Spirit. As you minister to someone who needs healing the Holy Spirit will bring them into the light of how God sees them so they can receive inner heart healing. So, in a sense many need to be healed before they can get healed. The greatest healing that initially takes place is the healing of the image of how they see Father God. Some have been so wounded by their earthly fathers that they have trouble believing and receiving the unconditional love of their heavenly Father.
Matthew 6:25 “Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life..”
The other aspect I want to touch on is how we approach the Lord. Many times, its “Lord, today I desperately need your help with my finances, my car or my health” followed by a list of scriptures that relate to our need. This may work to a degree when we are newly saved but over time, we must mature in our walk with the Lord. As we grow spiritually, we discover that everything we need comes through relationship and not request. When the Lord first revealed this to me, this was the prayer that was birthed in my heart, “Lord, I’m not coming before you today to ask for anything from You but instead I am here to offer you something that I have withheld for far too long. I want to see myself as you see me and begin to please Your heart by opening the door of my life wide and inviting you in so that we can walk together through each day. I just want to know you, Your presence, Your purpose and Your Love. ” From that day forward the favor of God has progressively rested upon my life. I lost sight of myself and the center of my being shifted from me and became all about Him. Everything He had became my inheritance as I began to rightly relate to Him.
1 John 4:4 “Little children, you can be certain that you belong to God and have conquered them, for the One who is living in you is far greater than the one who is in the world”
The final thing I want to say about healing is don’t let your present condition stop you from praying for others to be healed. You may find as I have that as you pour out your spirit in prayer and intercession for others that the life that is flowing through you also touches you and you are made whole. Everything is different in the Kingdom. As you give you are actually receiving the spirit of life that is in Christ in you. Love longs to find a way and the Holy Spirit always flows toward the field of need in every human heart.